Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Kick Kihon Shotokan Style : Learning Karate At Home (1.1.3)

kick (Geri)

      In addition to attacking the opponent with a blow (Zuki) in Karate can also use the kick (Geri) with a wide and diverse forms according to the needs and situations faced. Geri is generally used in a fight at a distance that is not too tight. 

      Here are the types of Geri in Karate :

1. Mae-Geri                  : Kick toward the stomach or the head of the forward direction

2. Mawashi-Geri          : Kick the upper leg

3. Yoko-Geri-Kekome : Kick to the leg side (in spade)

4. Yoko-Geri-Keange   : Kick to the leg side (on the snap)

5. Usiro-Geri               : Kick to the back

      In each lesson you just need to have a video that I have previously posted on Kihon Shotokan Style : Learning Karate At Home (1.1). Make a video that every time you start training karate. You do not need to have a video as described above in each meeting. Video and this article only to find out the details of the three major stance and know some of the existing stance.

Reference :

- Pics from google search

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