Punch (Zuki)
Punch (Zuki) is a movement that is not less important to the stance, because the blow is we need to attack the opponent besides Geri or kick. Here are a variety of punches (Zuki) in Karate.
1. Oi-Zuki-CHUDAN : Blow toward stomach or heartburn
2. Jodan Oi-Zuki : A blow to the head
3. Kisame-Zuki : A blow to the head but did not step foot
4. Gyaku-Zuki : A blow to the stomach, but the foot did not step
5. Ura-Zuki : Blow that looks like Soto-Ude-Uke
6. Morote-Zuki : Punch and encouragement
7. Agi-Zuki : Blow by hand inside and shaped like Agi-Uke
8. Choku-Zuki : Blow towards the stomach with Hachiji-Dachi stance
9. Kage-Zuki : Punches aside EXS on Tekki Kata Shodan
10. Tate-Zuki : Blow that looks like Uchi-Ude-Uke
11. Yama-Zuki : Blow mounting / double blow with both hands
12. Morote-Hisame-Zuki : Punch with both hands
13. Tetsui-Uchi : Hand hammer
14. Uraken-Uchi : Blow sideways
15. Haishu-Uchi : Hand sword
16. Haito-Uchi : Hand sword
17. EMPI : dig (elbow)
18. Shuto-Uchi : Hand sword
19. Tate-Shuto : Hand sword
In each lesson you just need to have a video that I have previously posted on Kihon Shotokan Style : Learning Karate At Home (1.1). Make a video that every time you start training karate. You do not need to have a video as described above in each meeting. Video and this article only to find out the details of the three major stance and know some of the existing stance.
Reference :
- http://lemkari-kotaternate.blogspot.com/p/kihon-dasar-pendahuluan-kihon-atau.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBBQJqTK_0Q
- pics from google search
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